interview with SDA instructor- Samuel Kwok

Find difficulties of what instructor suits the kids the best? There you go an inspiring interview with one of our SDA kids program teachers- Samuel Kwok!
唔知咩老師最啱個小朋友,又唔想俹簁去搵,嚟睇吓我哋SDZ其中一個老師 Samuel嘅訪問,對你有咩啟發?


0:00 介紹自己

0:58 點解鍾意教小朋友,點樣開始?

1:28 教小朋友同大人/年青人,有咩分別?

2:16 點樣可以將你嘅知識,喺課堂學以致用?

2:49 小朋友/家長/老師點樣互相配合先可以事半功倍?

3:47 討論一下SEN(例如 點嘅老師先適合去教?)

5:05 呢個疫情下 小朋友有咩可以做?

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